Weekly Edition: December 23, 2020

The best California Healthline coverage from the week.
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California Healthline
WEEKLY Edition
A service of the California Health Care Foundation
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Check California Healthline online for the latest news

Note to readers: California Healthline Weekly Edition is going on holiday break. Look for it again in your inbox on Jan. 8. Happy holidays.

COVID Vaccines Appear Safe and Effective, but Key Questions Remain
By Bernard J. Wolfson
The federal government expects vaccinations to be available to everyone who wants them by summer — though glitches are inevitable. If enough of us get vaccinated, we could wave goodbye to the pandemic in 2021.

As the Terror of COVID Struck, Health Care Workers Struggled to Survive. Thousands Lost the Fight.
By Christina Jewett and Robert Lewis
At least 2,900 health workers have died since the pandemic began. Many were minorities with the highest levels of patient contact.

California's COVID Enforcement Strategy: Education Over Citations
By Angela Hart
Gov. Gavin Newsom said in July that California would target businesses that flagrantly violate public health orders. But the state's strategy of education over enforcement means that businesses that don't comply face few — if any — consequences.

California Healthline is an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation. It is produced by KHN, an editorially independent program of the KFF. (c) 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.

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California Health Care Foundation | 1438 Webster Street | Oakland, CA 94612


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