Sleep remains one of the most enduring mysteries of being human, but it's not totally impenetrable to researchers.
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| |  MNT Special: The science of sleep | | Sleep remains one of the most elusive mysteries of the human condition. This week, Medical News Today explores what we know about sleep, with coverage of the latest research on why it's essential for health and what it means when we dream. We explore 10 sleep-based myths across two new articles in our Medical Myths series tackling the mystery of sleep and the question of how much sleep we actually need. Next, we deep dive into the world of dreaming, examining the science behind lucid dreams, and how you yourself might learn to control the stories of sleep. What about sleep disorders? We all experience a poor night's sleep from time to time, but what happens if interrupted or low-quality sleep becomes the norm? We investigate the enigma of sleep paralysis, and the differences between two types of narcolepsy which blur the lines between the waking and sleeping realms. Finally, we look at ways to improve your sleep and how to calculate if you're getting enough of it. Our reviewers have also assessed the best sleeping pills, supplements, bedtime drinks, and apps to help you get a good night's rest. You can find all of our science of sleep articles in one helpful resource hub here. Until next time, sleep tight. Robin Hough Editor-in-Chief, Medical News Today | More Special Investigations
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