Weekly Edition: July 31, 2020

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California Healthline
WEEKLY Edition
A service of the California Health Care Foundation
Friday, July 31, 2020
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Full Coverage Of The COVID-19 Outbreak: Check Here For California Healthline's Latest Coronavirus Stories

Don't Count on Lower Premiums Despite Pandemic-Driven Boon for Insurers
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Early in the pandemic, insurers expected the costs of treating COVID-19 would vastly increase medical spending. Instead, non-COVID care has plummeted and insurers have pocketed the result. Still, few industry observers are predicting broad-based premium cuts in 2021, though some health plans have proposed lowering their rates.

Avoiding Care During the Pandemic Could Mean Life or Death
By John M. Glionna
Americans are avoiding hospitals and clinics by the millions, even when they shouldn't, and many experts expect a jump in preventable disease diagnoses after the COVID crisis eases. Paradoxically, the pandemic may have been good for some heart patients, however.

Medi-Cal Agency's New Head Wants to Tackle Disparities and Racism
By Samantha Young
Will Lightbourne, the new director of the California Department of Health Care Services, says government must address the racial disparities laid bare by COVID-19 and improve care for the state's most vulnerable residents.

Dental and Doctors' Offices Still Struggling with COVID Job Loss
By Phillip Reese
Newly released employment data underscores the lingering toll the pandemic has taken on a range of outpatient services in California and across the U.S., from pediatric and family medical practices to dental offices, medical labs and home health care.

California Healthline is an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation. It is produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation. (c) 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation. All rights reserved.

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