MNT daily newsletter - April 30, 2020

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How to recognize an allergic reaction to eyelash extensions
After receiving eyelash extensions, a person may have an allergic reaction to them. Here, learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of these reactions.
How to tell if a sore throat is from an allergy or a cold
Allergies, a cold, the flu, and other infections can cause similar symptoms, including a sore throat. Learn to find the cause of a sore throat here.

Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine
Castile soap uses: How to use and benefits
A person can use castile soap as a body wash, household cleaner, and insect repellent. Learn more about castile soap's uses and benefits here.

Antidepressant withdrawal: Everything you need to know
Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms occur when a person stops taking or drastically reduces their dose of antidepressants. Learn more in this article.

Almond oil for skin: Uses and research
Using almond oil on the skin can help treat and prevent dry skin. Learn about the benefits of almond oil for skin here, including how to use and risks.
What is a HIFU facial, and does it work?
High intensity focused ultrasound facials, or HIFU facials, can be a safe and effective way to improve the skin's firmness and elasticity without surgery.
Under eye wrinkles: How to get rid of lines
Under eye wrinkles are perfectly normal and harmless, but those who dislike their appearance can try home remedies and cosmetic treatments. Learn more here.
Can you treat acne with aspirin?
Aspirin is a drug that people use to reduce pain and inflammation. Read on to discover whether aspirin may be effective as a treatment for acne.
Coffee and acne: What is the link?
Drinking coffee affects people differently and may have links to some skin problems. As a result, people who have acne may have concerns.

GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology
Heartburn during pregnancy: Symptoms and remedies
Heartburn is a common experience during pregnancy, and it can range in severity. Many home care strategies and medical treatments can help. Learn more here.

What is a sensory processing disorder?
Sensory processing disorders are a group of conditions that cause changes in the way the brain processes sensory information. Learn more here.

Multiple Sclerosis
Can a person prevent multiple sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that attacks the central nervous system. Learn if a person can prevent it and how to delay symptom progression here.

Nutrition / Diet
Are starchy snacks or sports supplements better for muscle recovery?
A recent study finds that potato-based foods, including gnocchi, help muscles recover just as quickly as sports nutrition products in both men and women.

Pediatrics / Children's Health
Croup remedies: How to treat it at home
A range of home care strategies can ease the symptoms of croup, a common infection. Humidifiers, elevation, hydration, and some medications can help.

Public Health
Are blood clots to blame for COVID-19 deaths?
A series of recently published articles highlight that blood clots are common among people with severe COVID-19 and can lead to life-threatening illness.
People with large social networks are more civil online
A recent study finds that individuals with larger social networks tend to be more civil when interacting online and speculates as to why this might be.


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