RSVP for Feb. 7 Event: A Conversation with Gov. Inslee and Gov. Polis On State Efforts to Establish a Public Option

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A Conversation with Washington Gov. Inslee and Colorado Gov. Polis on Their States' Efforts to Establish a Public Option and Other Health Initiatives

At 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, KFF will host a conversation with Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee about their states' efforts to establish a public health insurance option and other initiatives to address health costs and access.

The two governors have made health reforms a key part of their agendas and are seeking to expand access to affordable coverage for their residents through a public option – an approach that some national leaders have proposed on a federal level.

Gov. Polis and Gov. Inslee will talk about the opportunities and challenges they see as they seek to implement a public option for their residents, as well as other efforts aimed at tackling issues including health costs, reproductive health, and long-term care.

KFF President and CEO Drew Altman will moderate the discussion with the governors and live audience.

As time with the governors is limited, we ask attendees to arrive early and be in their seats at 3 p.m.

RSVP to Attend DC Event


Friday, February 7, 3-4 p.m. ET, followed by a reception with light food and drink
(Registration to begin at 2:30 p.m.)


Barbara Jordan Conference Center
1330 G Street NW, Washington DC
(one block west of Metro Center)


Please register online to attend this event in person.

Filling the need for trusted information on national health issues, the Kaiser Family Foundation is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, California.


Rakesh Singh | (650) 854-9400 |
Craig Palosky | (202) 347-5270 |

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