MNT daily newsletter - December 23, 2019

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Alzheimer's / Dementia
Dementia: Obesity, but not diet or inactivity, raises risk
New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia risk.

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness
Dementia: Obesity, but not diet or inactivity, raises risk
New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia risk.

Nutrition / Diet
Dementia: Obesity, but not diet or inactivity, raises risk
New research suggests that it may only be obesity, not a poor diet or lack of physical activity, that contributes to dementia risk.

Psychology / Psychiatry
Finding life's meaning can keep us healthy as we age
A new study in older adults has found a strong correlation between having found meaning in one's life and having good overall health.

Seniors / Aging
Finding life's meaning can keep us healthy as we age
A new study in older adults has found a strong correlation between having found meaning in one's life and having good overall health.

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