MNT daily newsletter - October 28, 2019

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Alzheimer's / Dementia
Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats
A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.

Biology / Biochemistry
Could turmeric help solve the superbug threat?
New research uses nanocapsules that contain curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, to tackle the drug resistant pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Women and men at risk of different obesity-related conditions
A new study has found that women and men with obesity face different health risks, while the condition can lead to a range of complications for all.

Women and men at risk of different obesity-related conditions
A new study has found that women and men with obesity face different health risks, while the condition can lead to a range of complications for all.

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness
Women and men at risk of different obesity-related conditions
A new study has found that women and men with obesity face different health risks, while the condition can lead to a range of complications for all.
Exercising before breakfast may be most healthful choice
In a new study, people with overweight or obesity who worked out before eating breakfast burned more fat and saw overall health benefits.

GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology
Yogurt, fiber, and lung cancer: What's the link?
A new analysis using data from more than 1.4 million people concludes that eating an ample amount of fiber and yogurt may protect against lung cancer.

Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses
Could turmeric help solve the superbug threat?
New research uses nanocapsules that contain curcumin, the main ingredient in turmeric, to tackle the drug resistant pathogen Helicobacter pylori.

Lung Cancer
Yogurt, fiber, and lung cancer: What's the link?
A new analysis using data from more than 1.4 million people concludes that eating an ample amount of fiber and yogurt may protect against lung cancer.

Nutrition / Diet
Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats
A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.
Yogurt, fiber, and lung cancer: What's the link?
A new analysis using data from more than 1.4 million people concludes that eating an ample amount of fiber and yogurt may protect against lung cancer.
Exercising before breakfast may be most healthful choice
In a new study, people with overweight or obesity who worked out before eating breakfast burned more fat and saw overall health benefits.

Public Health
Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats
A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.

Women and men at risk of different obesity-related conditions
A new study has found that women and men with obesity face different health risks, while the condition can lead to a range of complications for all.

Seniors / Aging
Dementia risk higher in those who eat more trans fats
A new study of 1,628 older people living in Japan found a 52–74% higher chance of developing dementia in those with higher blood levels of trans fats.

Sports Medicine / Fitness
Exercising before breakfast may be most healthful choice
In a new study, people with overweight or obesity who worked out before eating breakfast burned more fat and saw overall health benefits.

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