Weekly Edition: August 30, 2019

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California Healthline
WEEKLY Edition
A service of the California Health Care Foundation
Friday, August 30, 2019
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Governor's 'Mental Health Czar' Seeks New Blueprint For Care In California
Thomas Insel, who ran the National Institute of Mental Health for 13 years before casting his lot with Silicon Valley, is taking a temporary break from his senior position at a health care startup to advise Gov. Gavin Newsom on how to remake mental health care in the Golden State.

Mysterious Vaping Lung Injuries May Have Flown Under Regulatory Radar
Doctors who saw patients with a mysterious lung illness in the past suspected vaping as the cause but didn't know where to report such cases. "It wasn't that I didn't want to report it, it's that there's no pathway," said one California pulmonologist.

How And When Immigrants' Use Of Government Benefits Might Affect Their Legal Status
Confusion about a new federal rule to restrict legal immigration based on the use of public benefits may dampen sign-ups for health care, housing and food aid even among immigrants not directly targeted by the rule. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions that will help clear up some of the misunderstanding.

California Healthline is an editorially independent service of the California Health Care Foundation. It is produced by Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation. (c) 2019 Kaiser Health News. All rights reserved.

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