MNT daily newsletter - August 28, 2019

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Cardiovascular / Cardiology
Deaths to heart related conditions rising in the US
Progress against cardiovascular disease appears to be slipping in the United States as a new study reveals total related deaths rising since 2011.

Deaths to heart related conditions rising in the US
Progress against cardiovascular disease appears to be slipping in the United States as a new study reveals total related deaths rising since 2011.

Heart Disease
Deaths to heart related conditions rising in the US
Progress against cardiovascular disease appears to be slipping in the United States as a new study reveals total related deaths rising since 2011.

Deaths to heart related conditions rising in the US
Progress against cardiovascular disease appears to be slipping in the United States as a new study reveals total related deaths rising since 2011.

Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses
Do antibiotics raise the risk of rheumatoid arthritis?
A large-scale study finds a link between the antibiotics doctors use to treat some types of infection and a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Neurology / Neuroscience
Memory boost: One-off exercise as effective as 12 weeks' training
A new small trial suggests that a 'day by day' approach to aerobic exercise can offer a memory boost and other cognitive benefits to older individuals.

Pain / Anesthetics
Simply being with someone you love can lessen physical pain
According to a recent study, all it takes for us to feel less pain is to be in the presence of our significant other, even if we do not speak or touch.

Psychology / Psychiatry
Simply being with someone you love can lessen physical pain
According to a recent study, all it takes for us to feel less pain is to be in the presence of our significant other, even if we do not speak or touch.

Public Health
WHO publish report on microplastics in drinking water
A recent report from the WHO examines the potential impact of microplastics on human health. The main conclusion is that more research is sorely needed.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Do antibiotics raise the risk of rheumatoid arthritis?
A large-scale study finds a link between the antibiotics doctors use to treat some types of infection and a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Seniors / Aging
Memory boost: One-off exercise as effective as 12 weeks' training
A new small trial suggests that a 'day by day' approach to aerobic exercise can offer a memory boost and other cognitive benefits to older individuals.
Do antibiotics raise the risk of rheumatoid arthritis?
A large-scale study finds a link between the antibiotics doctors use to treat some types of infection and a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Sports Medicine / Fitness
Memory boost: One-off exercise as effective as 12 weeks' training
A new small trial suggests that a 'day by day' approach to aerobic exercise can offer a memory boost and other cognitive benefits to older individuals.

Water - Air Quality / Agriculture
WHO publish report on microplastics in drinking water
A recent report from the WHO examines the potential impact of microplastics on human health. The main conclusion is that more research is sorely needed.

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